Unleash Your Creativity

Believe in Possibility

English Artist Laura Hunter was never really interested art as a child, only really doing it for school. She gave it up completely at 13 years old believing she was terrible at it, finding other creative outlets including singing, dancing and acting. Laura was only drawn back to art during COVID after being unable to attend her weekly singing lessons. After starting off with paint pouring & abstract acrylic she grew in confidence and enrolled in the Milan Art Institute Mastery Program. She learned that she didn’t need talent, that art was about expression, patience and practice. 3 years later, Laura has found her voice and loves combining mixed media techniques with oil painting. 

After experiencing the profound healing nature of creativity first hand while healing from chronic physical & mental health conditions, Laura believes that creativity heals & enhances our happiness and wellbeing. She is incredibly passionate about spreading this message and through her art & coaching Laura hopes to inspire and empower others to explore their own creativity so they too can experience the healing & wellbeing it brings.

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How I work…

My process is very intuitive.

I usually start off with acrylic inks, followed by collage and more often than not, spray paint. I then decide what the subject is going to be. I have a bunch of sources that I like and chose the one that stands out to me at this point.

I sketch the subject and start to add form with acrylics. I ALWAYS love finishing with oils as they give the painting so much more depth and dimension and the colours are so juicy!

At the end I like to do a bit of mark making with oil pastels or other oil based markers just to add a bit more expression and interest.

New Spirit Animal Series

Recently introduced to spirit animals, I became fascinated by the characteristics of different spirit animals and the inspiration and empowerment they can bring. I love painting animals and became inspired to create a series of spirit animal paintings after a powerful healing meditation using spirit animals. I found that when painting different animals and then researching their characteristics, synchronicities started popping up.

“I love creating paintings that are striking from a distance but also once you move closer you start to see new interesting details. Like the more you look at it, the more you find!”

— Laura Hunter